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Re: [python-176] Looking for Python Speakers

From: Kapil T.
Sent on: Sunday, September 16, 2007, 11:08 PM
On 9/16/07, Matt <[address removed]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Although the past few meetings have been very Zope/Plone centered, that
> certainly isn't the only goal of this meetup. In an effort to make the group
> more Pythonic, we need some people interested in speaking about Python
> generally (and not just Zope and Plone).
> What Python topics are you interested in hearing about? Does anyone know any
> locals with great Python-Fu? Has anybody been working on anything
> particularly interesting that they think the group might be interested in?
> Any and all ideas are welcome -- just reply to the list.

that sounds great! i've got some general purpose python-foo..   i
could do or would be interested in a talk in any of the following..
assuming other folks have interest..

 - a sqlalchemy talk ( python and relational databases )...

 - manipulating/working­ with subversion repositories using python.

 - on the web front.. there's  django.. or wsgi and paste(r) or pylons.

another fun one might be talking about scripting google office using
the google data apis in python. or amazon ec2/s3 scripting. or
indexing massive amounts of data with pylucene or xapian.. or
graphical programs on gtk/qt/wx.. atompub with amplee, filesystems in
python (fuse).. also ipython.. or setuptools/distutils­/pypi/eggs.. or
using zc.buildout (for plain python projects)..

so many options.. just a few ideas off the cuff..



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