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Link for Jim's presentation from last week's Denver SEMPO Meet Up

From: Dave C.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 5:12 PM
During last's week presentation at the Denver SEMPO Meet Up, Jim Kreinbrink said he would put up the PowerPoint on his site so you wouldn't have to write down the URLs so fast and furiously. Here is the link to the PowerPoint -

Also, The Lure Lounge has been a great place to meet but it looks like we are running out of space again for our meetings. If you know of a place in downtown Denver that we could use for our meeting, that would be great. Somewhere outside of downtown isn't out of the question either.

Ideally we would like a place that can hold at least 50 people in seats, with opportunity to have even more seats if we continue to grow like we have. It would be great to have a projector and screen as well.

If you know of a place that fits this bill, please email me, Dave Carlson, at [address removed].

Thanks so much,

Denver SEMPO Meet Up organizer

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