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Janurary Meetup Summary

From: John B.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 11:18 PM
Thanks for coming out everyone!

Here is a quick summary of what we touched on:

Bryan opened with a question about upgrading a Django App with zero-down time - perhaps something like Capistrano has done for Rails. Specifically he was looking at users uploading large files and trying not to interrupt their upload while the code base was upgraded. A number of solution were suggested including reverse proxies, load balancing. No specific answer was reached.

Jim demoed an Oauth application working with FreeBase. Oauth is an open protocol to allow secure API authorization. It's mentioned that FireEagle has a good Python Oauth tutorial. A number of implementations are available at the Oauth site.

Kevin has been experimenting with localization in iPhone apps. He mentions he's been using Google Translate to get things that sound vaguely right. Mechanical Turk and other services have also been used for successful bulk translation.

Pete is relatively new to Django and had an excellent question - Where do you put business logic that interacts with multiple models? As a rule of thumb, model methods are for `row` level operations. Manager methods should be used for `table` operations. All other logic should be contained in views. Views can further be broken down into business level methods stored in `helpers` or `utils` modules. Other solutions including usings Signals (also see this presentation) like in contrib.comments or using class based views like in contrib.admin.

Andy talked about his preferred template solution simpletemplates. He also talked about two project he's recently been hacking on - ClearTrain - showing upcoming professional training sessions for open source projects and Areciboapp - a error notification service that plugs into Django as a middleware. Cool!

Ian has been trying to drop Django Admin into a project with an LDAP permission system. Some starting points include this snippet on LDAP authentication and the Auth docs. Also noted that the inspectdb command will generate models for you from an existing database.

Aaron showed how he's using Django to enhance processes at Kirby Floral. He also mentions that his iPhone app FireTouch is raking in mad cash.

Michael also relatively new to Django asked whether anyone has had much success using SOAP with Python. No. But if you really must try soapy or ZSI (last modified 2001?). pyactiveresource is mentioned as a way of consuming REST based services through a ORM like interface.

Finally John yammered on about a snippet he's been working on to transfer ownership of tree like models. Check out the source on github. He also said that the hidden model method _collect_sub_objs was the "the greatest awesomeness in the history of awesome"

Thanks a bunch everyone who showed up and thanks again Bryan for organizing the Meetup!



John Boxall
[address removed]

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