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New Meetup: Women's Drop In Drumming Ensemble

From: Cheri B.
Sent on: Sunday, September 26, 2010, 9:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Twin Sum Drum!

What: Women's Drop In Drumming Ensemble

When: Tuesday, October 26,[masked]:45 PM

Price: $12.00 per person

Where: Womens Drum Center
2242 University Ave. W. Enter on Hampden
St. Paul, MN 55114

[Drop-in Drumming

This group will have a chance to learn about and play various drums and percussion instruments. The music focus is mostly from Africa, the Caribbean, Brazil and some contemporary rhythms. No pressure to memorize parts, just come and enjoy the rhythms and learning that happens in the moment. We will allow time for improvisation too.

When: Second and 4th Tuesday of the month 7:45- 9:00 PM Instructor: Marisa Cuneo-Linsly
Where: Women?s Drum Center

Fee: $12 / Payment taken that night

Womens Drum Center

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