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International Shipping Webinar and Upcoming Meetup - Names

From: Chris T.
Sent on: Friday, September 20, 2013, 7:48 AM

Hi everyone,

First, I want to let everyone know about the next Top Rated Seller Webinar. This month is about international shipping. Opening up your eBay listings to international sales is a great opportunity to grow revenue.  However many sellers get scared away by the complexity of shipping  packages overseas. Join Bryan Goodman and Jason Smith of / and Eric Nash of as they show you how easy it is to ship internationally, and discuss common issues that come up with international package delivery. This is an online event only, not in person. (Although I'm working to schedule them for a future Meetup with our group.) And it's free.

It's Wednesday, October 2, 10:00 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET


You do NOT have to be a Top Rated Seller to participate. And all registrants will receive a link to the webinar recording so sign up even if you can't watch live.


Second, for those of you attending next week's Meetup at eBay, if you haven't given me your first and last name and the first and last names of any guests, please do that ASAP. (If you already have or if your Meetup name is your first and last name, never mind!) This is very important. It's an eBay requirement. Just respond to this email.

Unfortunately we cannot expand the capacity of the event. For those on the waiting list, keep a watch to see if you're notified by email that a spot has opened up and you're in.

Cheers - Chris

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