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eBay Seller Webinar: Search: Cassini, SEO, and the Impossible Dream"

From: Chris T.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 9:48 PM

Hi everyone,

A quick note about our free eBay seller webinar this month: “Search: Cassini, SEO, and the Impossible Dream” presented by our own Sandi Garcia.

In this webinar you will learn the fundamentals of rapidly evolving search technology. Topics covered include: how search engines work, a basic search vocabulary, how Cassini and external search engines work differently (for example, the different areas of a listing as read by Cassini vs. as read by Google), what you can control to optimize yourself in search, and what you can’t control.

This webinar will not teach you how to manipulate Cassini to rank #1. That has become an “Impossible Dream”.  Instead, after the webinar is over you should have a solid understanding of search technology which will help you write listings the search engines can effectively read and rank. Applying this knowledge may increase traffic to your listings both internally in eBay searches and externally on other search engines.

Presented by Social Sandi, an eBay Education Specialist and social media marketing consultant.

DATE: Wednesday, May 28, 2014

TIME: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT



Chris Taylor

Organizer, SF Bay Area eBay and Ecommerce Sellers Meetup


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