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Fashion Arizona Teams up with Raw Artists & IT WORKS! & DJ Donovan Hypes 1/11/13 @ 6pm

From: Brian H.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 8, 2013, 9:07 AM

KICK-OFF your new year with some Fashionable networking at Fashion Arizona's Meet-Up!

WHEN: January 11th (FRIDAY). Will be at in Old Old Town, Scottsdale. The time will be 6pm - 8pm.

FEATURED PARTNER: An arts organization providing independent artists within the first 10 years of their career with tools, resources and exposure needed for creative success. RAW seeking artists such as fashion and accessory designers, hair & makeup artists, & photographers to feature in our exclusive artist showcases.

Enter FREE door raffle on Friday to win (1) of 8 VIP Tickets to the next RAW Showcase ($160 value).
"Call to Action" - Visit to learn more about our organization and artist showcases. You can register and submit your work on our website to be considered for our artist showcases. Please bring pictures, portfolios, and looks from your brand to the meetup.
SPONSOR: IT WORKS! Skinny Wrap -  

Come meet owner, Claudia and see for yourself why this fantastic wrap is being called magic! You will walk away Tighter, Toner, and Firmer with side effect of inch loss!

"Call to Action" - E-mail [address removed] for chance to WIN one of (3) FREE Skinny Wraps! ($75 Value)
OUR RESIDENT DJ: For the first time @ F.AZ. we welcome Donovan Hypes a Scottsdale based DJ providing energy and excitement to your next wedding, birthday party, networking event, fashion trunk show, & more! Donovan Hypes has consistently set the tone with a multi-genre library and a custom playlist designed specifically for YOUR event by request! From R & B, Hip-Hop, Dance, Club, Disco, 40’s, Motown, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’a, 90’s, and Top 40 current tracks.

For more information, or contact Donovan Hypes directly at (480)[masked].

Thanks for being 'In Fashion'

Brian- Founder
Fashion Arizona

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