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Make a Film!

From: Member ID: #.
Sent on: Thursday, December 19, 2013, 6:40 PM

Our friends at the IFP Phoenix is kicking off its Breakout Film challenge in January. Read more about this great opportunity below:
It's called the Breakout Film Challenge because our aim is to help get our filmmakers out into the world.  Last year's Breakout Challenge awarded a dozen free film festival submissions to our top films.  

We are working hard to try and increase that number this year.  But that's not all.  We're also doing a special award for cinematography.  The winner of this category will receive this viewfinder!  Here's the skinny:

2014 Breakout Film Challenge

Kickoff - Friday, January 3rd (location TBA)

Turn In - January 27th (online or at the office)

Screening - Thursday, February 6th @ The Phoenix Art Museum

$25 for IFP Phoenix members and $45 for non members

Teams have no limitation on genre, prop, or line.  Rather, they will be given a handful of themes to choose from to inspire their film.  (max length is 5 min)

Hope to see you there!


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