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Job Offer: F# Developer (in various areas, see below)

From: Adam G.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 6:52 PM

Hi FP-BUD members!

As the founder of this group and one who would like to see it grow steadily, I believe nothing reflects the interest towards functional programming in the larger professional community more than actual job offers.  Therefore, I would like to call your attention to the job board we recently created on FPish, the largest functional programming community:

Going forwards, we invite all interested organizations to post their functional programming positions on this job board.  This time, in particular, we are pleased to announce several F# developer positions that involve working with innovative uses of F# for:

* Android application developers (using F#)

* E-health application developers (using F#)

* WebSharper developers (using F#)

The latter one includes the possibility of some remote work as well.  If you would like to be considered for these positions, please send your CV as soon as you can to [address removed], or just drop me a direct message by replying.


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