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Hot Fort Collins job opportunities!

From: Larry C.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 13, 2011, 12:55 PM
Hot Fort Collins job opportunities!

FYI folks!

-- Larry Chapman
   Fort Collins Video, LLC
   President - Colorado Professional Videographers Association
   [address removed]
   Skype:  larry.chapman


Hi Larry,
   Would you please pass this on to your contacts in the web-programming community, please?

I am looking to hire two people, either as employees or as contractors, to continue the development and test of a web-based application for my company, Secure64 Software Corporation.  Secure64 development is based in Fort Collins, Colorado, and our web page is at

I am NOT looking for someone to extend our company web page.  That is handled by an outside agency. 

The skill set I am looking for is someone who can do web application development in a LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP/Python) environment. 

Specifically, we have already written a web-based app that controls and monitors a set of DNS servers.  This application is written in Python and the DJANGO library.  It uses SQLITE for a database, and has a lot of HTML and Javascript using JQUERY libraries for graphing plots and making spreadsheet-like tables.  The new employees/contractors would need to learn this app, and extend it for new functionality.  We would also like to develop automated regression tests for the app as well, so this explains why a second person is needed. 

If anyone is interested, they can contact me at [address removed] or at my office phone of[masked].  I hope this sparks a lot of interest, as it is an important project for us and we'd like to get it out the door soon.

Joseph Gersch
Chief Operating Officer
Secure64 Software Corporation

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