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[Project] Software Engineers

From: user 5.
Sent on: Friday, April 12, 2013, 12:13 PM
Hello All,

Was wondering if anyone is interested in joining me in a web project?
The project is to develop web platform for Audio and Video streaming.
Let me know if you are interested. My email address is
[address removed] Or you can join me on IRC on the channel
#TheSymphony to get more information. Please note that I do not
represent any company and this is not a job advert. The aim of the
project is just to get software engineers together to develop
something that we all will enjoy and will be proud of.

The project will require and use some of the following skills:

C++, Data-structures, Algorithms, Linux systems programming, Database
design, Networking, Distributed systems, Multi-threading, JavaScript,

Let me know if you are interested by dropping me an email. Or if you
know someone who will be interested to join a project of this nature.

Thanks and regards,


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