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Agenda 21 vote moved up to Monday, 6/18! Immediate Action Required!

From: Adam L.
Sent on: Friday, June 15, 2012, 3:50 PM

Dear Patriot,

Wow!  Your grassroots pressure on NC House Republicans to fight Agenda 21 is really working!

As I told you in a previous email, the Local Food Policy Council is an advisory board funded by taxpayers operating under the authority of the NC Department of Agriculture.  The Council's job is to provide advice to policymakers with the goal of strengthening NC farms and local food producers.

This past Wednesday, the NC House was scheduled to vote on HB 1098, a bill which would have re-inserted pro-Agenda 21 "sustainability" language into the charter of the NC Local Sustainable Food Policy Council.

Wednesday morning, Campaign for Liberty members bombarded House Republicans with phone calls and emails demanding that the House adopt Rep. Glen Bradley's amendment to remove the progressive Agenda 21 language from the bill, or kill it completely.  As a result, House leadership backed off, and pulled the bill from last Wednesday's agenda.  Your pressure worked!

At first, they rescheduled the bill to be voted on next Wednesday.  But now that Campaign for Liberty members have HB 1098 on their radar, NC House Republicans are trying to hide the Agenda 21 language we're fighting in another bill, scheduled for an earlier vote.

The new bill we need to target is SB 491, and it's scheduled for a floor vote on Monday, June 18th.

To that end, I need you to do two things:

First, contact your NC House Representative and instruct him/her to either support Rep. Glen Bradley's amendment to remove Agenda 21 language from SB 491, or vote against the bill.  You can look up your Representative's contact information here.

Next, contact Rep. Thom Tillis at[masked] or by email at [address removed] and tell him to oppose Agenda 21 in NC!

We don't have a lot of time, but our goal is still the same.  It's time to turn the heat all the way up, so that the politicians in Raleigh understand that it's more controversial to ignore the progressive left's Agenda 21 than it is to stand up for private property rights and individual liberty!

Time is of the essence, so call now!

In Liberty,

Adam Love
NC State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty

P.S.  NC House Republicans are trying to pass pro-Agenda 21 legislation SB 491, scheduled for a vote Monday, 6/18!  Contact Speaker Thom Tillis at[masked] or by email at [address removed] as well as your own NC House Representative and tell them to oppose Agenda 21 in NC!

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