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Special Announcement regarding Dr. David R. Hawkins

From: Steve
Sent on: Monday, September 24, 2012, 6:36 PM
I received a message today that Dr. David R. Hawkins transitioned on September 19 after 85 years of earthly life. Dr. Hawkins is (present tense intended) one of the giants in human consciousness and spirituality research. As a mainstream psychiatrist, he was the director of the largest mental health practice in the United States before retiring to Sedona, Arizona to continue research and writing in the fields of consciousness and spiritually.

Dr. Hawkins is the author of such seminal books as, "Power Vs. Force", and, "The Eye of the I". You'll find lectures by Dr. Hawkins on YouTube and additional information about his many accomplishments and writings at:

The announcement from Dr. Hawkins' organization is below.



Stress Solutions, LLC |
Ph:[masked] | International:[masked]

Our Beloved Teacher, Dr. David R. Hawkins
June 3, 1927 – September 19, 2012
Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
"Consciousness research confirms that death is not a possibility.
Life itself is supported by its eternal Source, from which it cannot be separated.”
Dr. David R. Hawkins passed peacefully at home on September 19th,
surrounded by his loving pets and family.
The public memorial service will be held at:
 Trinity Cathedral
100 West Roosevelt
Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Monday, October 8, 2012, at 10 a.m.  
Please carpool - parking is limited.
Doors will close at 9:45 a.m.
Seating capacity is limited to 500. 
If you plan to attend, please email RSVP to [address removed].
In lieu of flowers and gifts,
tax-exempt donations may be made to the Institute for Spiritual Research.

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