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Angel Island

From: Lauren
Sent on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 3:11 PM
Hi All:

Not very many people have signed up for this event. Angel Island did just experience a burn, a fire that crisped more that 50% of the island. The buildings are all still standing. I think it will be interesting to see, and I haven't walked the road around the island in many years so I'm down for that, but I wonder if I'm in the minority? Is the general feeling that people don't want to visit because of the fire? We can reschedule this or pick another location to go on Sunday if that is the general consensus. If even one person is willing to commit to going to Angel Island, for sure, I'll go, but I don't want to get all the way up there and be standing on the dock waitin' for no one. Give me your thoughts on this.

Thank you -


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