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Re: [ia-55] Portfolios...I'll show you mine if you me yours

From: Jeff M.
Sent on: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 9:34 AM
Thanks folks.? As a student in the UCLA MLIS program, I really appreciate this discussion.

I'm currently taking a portfolio and professional development course.? Is it OK if I post the portfolio Web addresses to our Wiki as examples??


--Jeff Tsuyoshi Matsuda
MLIS Candidate 2010, Informatics

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 8:39 AM, lynn <[address removed]> wrote:
Yes, exactly how an interview should be conducted. ?And that's why I don't send my portfolio, unaccompanied, into the fray. ?I do, however, bring it with me, and am prepared to go in depth into the approaches, challenges, successes and failures that appear in the work. ?And I don't ask candidates to send me their portfolio. ?To me it's more important that I feel like I can work with someone and that they're a good fit for my team than that their work looks beautiful without any context. ?If it seems like they're suited for the team after an exchange of emails and phone calls, then I'll ask to see their work and talk with them about the process.

Yes, I know, I said I don't have a portfolio. ?I do, actually. ?But I don't have one that's a stand-alone file or site that I send out. ?I have a collection of work products, and I will see how an interview progresses and what is of interest to a particular team, and then show them something in response to the direction the discussion has taken. ?I believe it shows a greater attention to the needs of the user: in this case, the user is the hiring company / team / manager.

Slightly more than $.02, fwiw.


Lynn Boyden
Analytics Maven
FatDUX Los Angeles

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 8:23 AM, Angel Anderson <[address removed]> wrote:
It's important to talk about your process AND show the resultant product. When we evaluate candidates at HUGE, we ask for a portfolio because we want to see the final products you helped to shape. During the interview we have the person walk us through their design process, explain design trade-offs that were made, and how they delt with challenging requirements.?

It's like a math problem where you have to show your work. The final product is your answer and your process is you calculations to arrive at that answer. We need to see both to know that a) you can get it right, and b) you have a solid process to achieve great results again and again. ? ?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 29, 2010, at 10:15 PM, Christian Sosa-Lanz <[address removed]> wrote:

Well said Lynn. I had not realized what I was doing in those interview, but apparently i was talking about process.

Christian Sosa-Lanz

On Jan 29, 2010, at 9:09 PM, lynn wrote:

i don't have a portfolio. ?my work is about process, and a portfolio is about product. ?i'm happy to talk with someone (recruiter, manager, team, students, you) about process and the product that results from that, but i am NOT happy to have the products of my process judged without any understanding of the process that went into its production.

my $.02, fwiw.


Lynn Boyden
Analytics Maven
FatDUX Los Angeles

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 8:27 PM, nigel <[address removed]> wrote:
here's mine:

Can i see yours?

Facebook UI Visual designer

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