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RPG: House of the Rising Sun @ Gamerz this Saturday at 5pm

From: Heather
Sent on: Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 12:09 PM
Mardi Gras, New Orleans: There is a house in New Orleans called the Rising Sun; known to a select few as an exclusive adults club.
For centuries, the city's privileged and influential socialites have indulged in its cardinal delights--performed by the talented Courtisanes de Bonheurs, the club's hosts and hostesses. No hedonistic desire is unfulfilled, no fantasy unrealized for those fortunate few members.
Every year, on Fat Tuesday, however, its doors open to non-members for a rare taste of its sinful pleasures. But, underneath its hedonistic veneer, in hidden chambers below its benign facade, lies a terrible secret.

The House of the Rising Sun is a horror genre adventure set in a modern setting using the Savage World's Explorers Edition rules.
No experience is necessary. You will learn the rules in ten minutes or less. Players do not need to bring anything, except their love for RPGs. Pre-generated characters will be provided.

Space still available! RSVP on the site!
House of the Rising Sun - Savage Wo?

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