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August meetings

From: Anne
Sent on: Wednesday, July 20, 2016, 2:18 PM


Hi to all!

We decided at the most recent Coffee Shop Format meeting that next month the coffee shoppers will be reading books (no list, all fiction and non fiction, old and new, is open) about pirates, which we're broadening a bit to include highwaymen, caravan raiders, for-profit hijackers, etc.:  the sometimes legendary types who look to make a lot of money energizing their gangs, or occasionally just themselves, to profit by stealing from vessels of transportation. We're talking about the big-time brigands, not turnstile jumpers, pickpockets, etc. Thanks again to member Shawn for another great topic suggestion!

Everyone liked Three Layers as a venue, so presumably we'll go there again.  The date isn't set, but will be a Saturday or Sunday afternoon in mid to late August. If you have a) a serious interest in going and b) a strong preference about the date, email me.

For the evening format, I was thinking hard about two topics:

1) Fiction and nonfiction  focusing on sibling relationships, including full, half, step, evil twins...big umbrella. We would not suffer from a shortage of old and new books with this topic.

2) Fiction and nonfiction  focusing on elections, coups, parliamentary maneuvers, any non-violent means of determining who will lead, but here's the catch: historical or fictional events in the book must be set BEFORE 1960 in any country (on this planet) or era from the beginning of recorded history to 1959.

If you have a preference, hate both ideas, and/or and want to suggest a book for either hypothetical  list, email me. The date will be a Tuesday or Wednesday evening in mid to late August, venue TBD. If you're coming to tonight's meeting, we can discuss. If you're not and you want to be heard on anything mentioned, email me!







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