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Re: [kcruby] IDE suggestions?

From: Dustin W.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 10:02 PM
Most IDE software is plugin based. Vim has been around for a long time. Do you know what comes with age? Very. Solid. Software.

I simply suggested a powerful text editor that could be customized to serve any need. You pointed the fingers friend. 

Either way, I hope you walk away from this being a little less ignorant. Since when did "hackers" prefer less customization? I think I missed a band wagon or didn't drink enough of the rails koolaid.

On Jan 22, 2013, at 9:53 PM, Willis F Jackson III <[address removed]> wrote:

I have a few points to add. First, I would like to dispel any notion that someone preferring an IDE is a request that the computer write the code for me. I am not trying to drag anyones approach through the mud, Vim or otherwise. Rather, to someone that prefers an IDE, saying oh use vim and this plugin and that extension and use this keyboard extension and on and on is a bit much to digest when you don't even know what you are doing yet. Second, I agree with Darren. If someone would like to offer a complete setup that is comparable to an IDE that they have used extensively, then please do so. Otherwise, the only ones I am familiar with are Aptana, serviceable but admittedly lacking features, and Rubymine, much better, but doesn't have everything you might want and costs money.

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Darren Cauthon <[address removed]> wrote:

We're missing the point?  The original question was for a Ruby IDE in Linux, and with Ruby that also includes the text editors.

If anything, I'd say it's incredibly on-point and shows some experience.  Years ago when I started with Ruby (on LInux), I did the same thing as those asking for a Ruby IDE -- I googled "linux ruby ide."  I walked into the Ruby world with my own pre-conceived notions about what programming in it must be like.  I learned a lot when I pressed the "reset" button and tried doing Ruby programming like I saw other Rubyists doing.  And over time, I found myself doing things with ruby tools than through IDEs.

And it's not just me -- I've seen others do this, especially as Linux is the only viable option for Ruby development on Windows computers.  When someone asks me for a Linux IDE,  I take all of my past experience and apply it into a suggestion that I think will be beneficial for the person who asked the question.

So as a guy who used to swear by IDE's and who spends much of my day coding -- my recommendation is to use Ruby tools and a simple editor you like (vim, emacs, sublime, Textmate, etc).  If that sort of advice doesn't fit the bill, then my recommendation is to google "linux ruby ide" in an internet browser.

Darren Cauthon
[address removed]

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Dustin Webber <[address removed]> wrote:
I use my own custom setup which can be found here

My configurations touch on pretty much everything you mentioned besides static analysis. When I see that a text editor/IDE does static analysis all I hear in my head is "waste of memory". Maybe i'm part of a rare breed but honestly I have never had to use this or found it useful the times I did turn it on.

All that aside, Vim does support this for a large amount of languages (

Now, I do a lot of development in a lot of different languages (i'm also a designer) and vim is by far the best editor I have ever used for many reasons. Speed, performance and availability to name a few. There is a plugin/extension for anything you could think of if you're willing to look. (

I'm not saying anything is better then anything else but simply giving my opinion to what has helped me in my workflow and improved my performance as a designer and developer.

Anyway, have a good night everyone.

- Dustin

On Jan 22, 2013, at 6:29 PM, dusty burwell <[address removed]> wrote:

Wow... I was waiting for this to devolve into an emacs vs vim flame war but it took a totally different turn. Awesome.

I think the desired features of an IDE that may not exist or are hard (read as not default) in an editor like vim are along the lines of:
  • static analysis (red squiggles under things that just don't make sense. totally possible, even with a dynamic language)
  • integrated tooling (debugger, test runner, source control, code generation)
  • contextual auto-complete (sublime text is good but it doesn't understand scoping)
  • automatic refactorings
I'm sure some of that's available as vim plugins and typically I do as much of that stuff as possible on the command-line. However with an IDE, like RubyMine for instance, it's all just there.

That said, I think the only two legitimate answers to the OP are RubyMine and Aptana so far. If someone would like to compile a list of plugins and command-line tools to duplicate that kind of funtionality for vim or SublimeText I would love to read it and adopt some of it. 

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013, Dustin Webber wrote:
Also, this is ruby. Not java, c or c#/++ etc.

The only impressive/useful IDE feature I have ever seen was type correction. That's not even a concern in ruby let alone possible to predict.


On Jan 22, 2013, at 5:36 PM, Dustin Webber <[address removed]> wrote:

I 100% disagree. You can customize both extensively. I'm not sure what your point is? Do you want something to write code for you? If that's you idea of an IDE, you may want to pursue a new career. Just being real.

I'm all for the both sides. It's a bloody editor in the end but don't put down vim. It just shows how little you understand about it.

Have a good night.

On Jan 22, 2013, at 5:12 PM, Willis F Jackson III <[address removed]> wrote:

I use aptana, but it kind of sucks. If I was spending more time coding, I would be using Rubymine.

For those of you turning this into a text editor discussion, you are sorely missing the point. Some of us find lots of comfort in IDE's and no amount of argument is going to change that fact. I grew up doing electrical engineering using heavily integrated tools. Sure there was a learning curve to some of them, but they did so much of the heavy lifting it wasn't even funny.

Some people like IDE's and recommending things like vim and emacs doesn't fit the bill.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Mike Hoskins <[address removed]> wrote:
Vim + Snipmate (like a merger between Textmate and Vim) -

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Chris <[address removed]> wrote:
I personally use Vim for quick edits and reviewing files; when I switch up to more "sophisticated" tasks (particularly debugging) I enjoy an IDE; I've found that Netbeans with the community Ruby support ( and works quite well.

An example of when using the debugger can be quite handy: if you're ever dealing with something like OAuth where there are GETs/POSTs that redirect (e.g. no 'visible' page load), it can be nice to see set a breakpoint and step through as the page load executes to ensure everything is as it seems.

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Craig S. Cottingham <[address removed]> wrote:
I was asked today if I could recommend a Ruby IDE for Linux. I've never used one (for any OS); has anyone else here?

Craig S. Cottingham
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Willis F. Jackson III

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