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LA Django October Talks - Speakers Announced!

From: Marcel C.
Sent on: Saturday, October 25, 2014, 5:41 PM

We have a meetup coming up this Tuesday, and it should be a good one!

We're looking forward to discussing one of the most popular and well-made django libraries out there, Django-REST-Framework, in a talk entitled "REST Easily with Django-Rest-Framework".
People interested in building a RESTful service for use with frontend JS frameworks like AngularJS, Ember, Backbone, and even jQuery won't want to miss this!

We also have a fantastic presentation about using RedHat's "OpenShift" Platform-as-a-Service in a talk named (appropriately enough) "Using Django With OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service".

There's more - we'll spend some time discussing the best ways that we can all get more value from and contribute to making the django world better in the talk named "We want *YOU*! Contributing to the Django Community"

Be sure to RSVP here, and we'll see you on Tuesday!

- LA Django Organizers

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