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Dancing opportunities this weekend: ALL TYPES including ballroom

From: Regina
Sent on: Saturday, December 4, 2010, 2:53 PM
Hello fellow dancers,
There are 2 events this weekend we wanted to let you know about.
Dance Finale: a Country and West coast Swing event: tonight, December 4
We will be heading there after our Flashmob. Dancing begins at 9PM; it is 60% West Coast Swing. For those that are interested, there is an All American Jack and Jill competition at 10PM. Open dancing is $15; Jack n Jill is $10. You must get a card from me to register for Jack n Jill.

USA Dance Holiday Ball: Sunday, December 5
Please go to the event page for more information:

Happy Dancing everyone!!
P.S. Don't forget our Holiday Potluck. Great time to meet other members. You do not need any dance experience to attend. There is an introductory class. To RSVP:

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