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What we’re about

A SAFE environment to make REAL friends!

{What we do for fun}
This group is designed for making long lasting friendships while participating in local Las Vegas activities. Our activities are typically groomed to promote conversation with others wile keeping us entertained. For example, but are NOT limited to; karaoke, bowling, happy hours, hiking, hookah lounges, pool halls, ice skating, parks and recreation, sports, residential pool parties, residential game nights, brunch, golf, laser tag and much much more! Suggestions for new events are welcome! A majority of our events are NOT geared towards any specific skill level or knowledge of the activity for the event. If a specific skill level is required, it will be mentioned in the details of that event. Unless otherwise specified, we encourage those who have never participated in any particular activity to come out and give it a try. Our friendly host and staff will help teach and our group will be very supportive of first timers.

{Family Friendly}
Family friendly events will also be provided for those who have families. Family events will clearly be marked with Friends Zone families logo and in the event descriptions.

{How we keep things friendly}
No matter who's attending or how many, you will always be greeted by a Friend Zone Friend in a bright red Friend Zone polo. Our Friend Zone Host and staff are super friendly and are here to make new friends just like you! We encourage people to come as they are but to bring their best versions of themselves. This should come easy as those who are joining this group are here to make new friends and the best way to make new friends is to be friendly. Do to our extended network RSVP's may not reflect actual attendance.

{How we keep things easy}
At any event you will be able to find us with a detailed plan and explanations of our locations, provided contact info, and our bright red Friend Zone shirts which you cannot miss in a crowd. Host and Staff will have a general knowledge of how the venue operates and will walk you through any scenario. We are here to answer any and all questions that you may have before or during an event. We are your friends so please call if you have any questions comments or concerns.

{How we keep things safe}
Our Hosts and Staff (Red Shirts) brief individuals upon arrival for events about our culture and proper etiquette. We encourage everyone to be inviting and accepting to others. Those that pose a threat to the culture of our group or make others uncomfortable are warned or removed from our group. Please report any individuals that are not abiding by the community standards to the hosts or any staff (Red Shirts)

{Basic Community Guidelines}
1. Everyone is welcome
2. Do not come with the intention of hooking up, dating or finding a significant other.
3. Keep your one liners at home. This is not the club.
4. Be courteous to others.
5. Talk to everyone
6. No clicks, no good old boys clubs, no subdivided members, no excluding others based off

  • Color.
  • Religion or creed.
  • National origin or ancestry.
  • Sex (including gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity).
  • Age.
  • Physical or mental disability.
  • Veteran status.
  • Genetic information.
  • Citizenship.

{Dues & Donations}
This group does NOT require dues or donations to participate.
Here are your list of benefits of joining Friends Zone.

  1. Access to non exclusive Friend Zone events.
  2. Expert event planning and hosting
  3. Venue adaptation for our group to mingle
  4. Full time staff & help desk
  5. Networking
  6. Access to our discord, and other tools to develop and maintain friendships.

{Friend Zone VIP group}
Please join our Friend Zone VIP group to receive these benefits. FriendZone
Membership dues can provide members with a number of benefits.

  1. Free services, food & drink.
  2. Discounted services, food and drink for event guests at venues
  3. Discount cards for local businesses not directly contributing to events.
  4. Venue adaptation for our group to mingle
  5. Expert event planning and hosting.
  6. Full time staff & help desk
  7. Weekly events
  8. Networking and business networking
  9. Access to our discord, and other tools to develop and maintain friendships.
  10. Discounts on Friend Zone merchandise

{Follow Us}
If you are looking to make friends, this is the place to be! The Friend Zone!!
You ain't never had a friend like me!
Michael Soto
Owner operator of the Friend Zone Meetups 702-622-9359.
Meet up Tools:
Meetup App
YouTube Channel Discord

Upcoming events (1)

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