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Greetings, and a question about Machine Knitting loaner books...

From: Jen
Sent on: Friday, March 15, 2013, 12:06 PM
(To those in the Machine Knitting group who don't know me, just ignore this.)

Hi!  I am excited each month when the Machine Knitting meeting notice comes up, even though I'm on the East coast and can't join you.  I'm glad the group is growing and going strong.  The invitation to stay in touch and visit if you can still stands -- it looks like we will be in the Washington DC area at least through January.  In the meantime, keep your machines busy!

I have found my way to a MK group here, who are also wonderful people.  I miss California and you guys plenty, but at least I'm finding creative yarn people here too.

Not a big deal, but if any of you still have any of my loaner books, could you let me know?  I am particularly scanning my stuff for a missing John Allen creative stitch/design book, but if there are others, I'd love to get those back too.  I'd be happy to pay postage.  (If I gave you a book outright, just remind me -- I just forgot.)

All the best!
Jen Ezell

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