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1) Article on American Airlines web site design problems 2) Seeking presenters for future meetups

From: Ben S.
Sent on: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 10:30 PM
Dear Meetup Members:

"Designer Dustin Curtis was so disgusted with the American Airlines Web site that he redesigned it, and posted the results as an open letter to the company. Guess what? One of AA's designers responded with a long defense about why better design dies a slow death at places like AA. "

Read more:

Also, I am looking for qualified presenters on the following topics:
  • Principles of Graphic Design, including typography, w/emphasis on web
  • Adobe Illustrator tips and tricks
  • Flash animation and interactivity
  • Principles of UI (User interface) Design
  • Web Marketing via Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc.
Please pass it on.

Ben Seigel
Meetup Organizer
[address removed]

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