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Friday 11th July NEW Gangster Themed Bar ‘Badabing’ & ‘Mafiosa’ Exclusive Drink Night!

From: Don
Sent on: Sunday, June 28, 2015, 11:37 PM

Friday 11th July

NEW Gangster Themed Bar ‘Badabing’ & ‘Mafiosa’ Exclusive Drink Night!

Brand new venue ‘Badabing’ with ‘Mafiosa’ bring to you a new and exclusive Drink Night on Meetup for the first time!

Badabing is the new American gangster themed bar and grill.

Just launched as a new ‘Rat Pack’ style bar combining show ground style lighting with plush velvet theatre style curtains, black throne style seating and images of famous movie gangsters.

The bar hosts rat pack style live music nightly and the cocktail menu is themed after the Sopranos. Fantastic!

Mafiosa has a floor booked out exclusively for us with a private bar.

We also have a outdoor balcony terrace with views of the Union Canal.

Bouncers are on the door but just tell them you are in the 'Mafiosa' and they will let you in up stairs!

Looks like Mafiosa has found a new home.

You saw it here first! I can’t wait.

Don (celebrating his birthday too!)


Mafiosa, one of Edinburgh’s best-kept secrets!

Mafiosa strives to bring you something a bit different.

Some of our most popular past events include, Chinese New Year, Mobster and Moll Ball and The Secret Garden Party.

You can easily find us online using

Keep up to date with other Mafiosa news on twitter and Facebook by clicking the links below:

Please recommend to your friends if you have enjoyed past events.


Don Jardine (Don Mafiosa)




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