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Reminder - No gathering this Labor Day weekend Sunday – Water Ceremony & Dharma School on Sept 8th

From: BFF of C.
Sent on: Saturday, August 31, 2013, 8:47 AM

Dharma Friends,

Just a Reminder that the BFF of CT will not be meeting this Sunday due to the holiday. However, we will reconvene for practice on Sunday, September 8th, 2013. On this special occasion we will practice our annual Water Ceremony. Please bring a small amount of water (read below).

In addition, our new Dharma Sunday School will begin. If you are interested in enrolling your family to this unique program, visit our web site at

WATER CEREMONY – What to bring?

Water of Infinite Life and Light. Our very spiritual annual Water Ceremony witnesses the Shin experience of interdependence, compassion, faith and gratitude. Please bring a vial of water from a location visited during the summer months (it can be tap too that symbolizes the place) that represents an experience of either interconnectedness, compassion, deep gratitude or entrusting faith. All vials will be poured into a large vase that symbolizes the Oneness of Reality. Participants may share their spiritual experiences. Members, friends and guests are invited to participate. Presented by Rev. Daishin Senpai.

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