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We are Closing In ...

From: Rosemary
Sent on: Thursday, December 19, 2013, 9:03 AM

How fun --  the group saw "Its a Wonderful Life" last night -- what a corny great classic.   I read the film was originally a flop but picked up steam years after its release when it started being played on TV -- TV picked it up because it was so cheap to show.   Some of you know,  I have a brother in law who was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and so my heart has been heavy lately and watching this film was such a good reminder of what is really important -- a person with friends is the richest person.

Thanks to the members who have contributed their dues -- we are getting closer and closer -- all we need is 16 more people -- if you can please take a minute and enter your payment today or come out Sat night for our winter day movie and I'll take your contribution in person -- 16 more that is all we need!!!!!

Thanks so very much -- happy happy holidays and see you at the movies!   Rosemary



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