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New Meetup: Dinner and Dancing at Lodo's Downtown

From: Michelle W
Sent on: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 1:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Denver Night Life Meetup Group!

What: Dinner and Dancing at Lodo's Downtown

When: Saturday, January 23,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $1.00 per person

Lodo's Bar and Grill - Downtown
1946 Market Street
Denver, CO 80202

I have a ton of $5 off coupons for Lodo's and so lets eat, drink, be merry and at discount!
I will set up table according to the RSVP# so be sure to be on that list. We will grab some food, get to know each other and then head to the dance floor for some booty shakin' fun to top 40 and hip hop.

Sound fun? Then come on out and try those skills you learned at the Ugly truth events!

Bring your smile, best jokes or opening lines, and a $1.00 donation to keep these fun Meetups going!

Michelle W

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