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Re: [newtech-1] Re: PayWalls

From: David P.
Sent on: Friday, July 9, 2010, 7:47 PM

Well, the truth of the matter is that everything has a cost.? As I say, the business model of free eventually runs up against the business model of rent.? We want everything for free, but then we want to complain about privacy issues.? I don't think we can have it both ways.?

Remember much of the free model came about because in those early dotcom days, the content owners didn't think the internet would represent a big audience.? It wasn't because they really thought about how giving away their content would impact business down the road.

For years we've run commercial TV on the advertising model and we accepted the commercials that interrupted our shows because that was the business model.? While they didn't collect direct information, advertisers certainly knew about the groups watching specific shows.?

The challenge today is that consumers need to either accept the advertising model or learn to pay for things.? I haven't seen any biz models outside of those two major options.? At least I haven't heard of any.

I think we'll see an end to the privacy issues in the future.? Just my 2 cents.
David B. Polinchock
Innovation Catalyst

Sent from T-Mobile & my G1

On Jul 9,[masked]:07 PM, "EddieN" <[address removed]> wrote:


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 8:03 AM, David Oliver <[address removed]> wrote:
> At any rate, I ag...

I don't know what is worse, our privacy being eroded for free (via ad-based models) or us actually paying to have our privacy eroded (via shelling out cash directly to the paywall content providers).

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