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Championship Weekend: Today (IMPORTANT), Tomorrow & Sunday

From: Joe G.
Sent on: Friday, January 20, 2012, 1:28 PM
New York Giants Fans Unite San Francisco, 

Thank you all for RSVP'ing for this Sunday. What a turn out its going to be. For those going to the game don't forget to stop by tonight, tomorrow and after the game on Sunday. Aces will be rocking from tonight till Monday... 

The New York media coverage of Aces continues; we need to rally a crowd for Eye Witness News (Channel 7) New York who will be doing a report from Aces at 6pm (PST).... Grab your Giants gear and head down to Aces 988 Sutter (Sutter & HYDE).

Looking for some allies for Sunday game? Stop by Aces tonight & Saturday to have some drinks and meet fellow Giants fans who will be going to the game. 

If you're a local, out of towner, whatever...if you're looking for a place to grab a drink, a bite to eat or a nice dinner keep these in mind: 

Go Giants, Go Blue and God Bless Tom Coughlin!

-Joe, Aldo & Aces


Joseph W Gonsalves II

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