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Re: [opensource-62] notepad advise

From: mowglie
Sent on: Monday, April 23, 2012, 5:04 PM
ahhh ok.  i know the diff on gsm vs cdma or whatever.  i prefer sim.  but i def dont want to lock into any carrier w/ everything so uncertain/testing still.  so i'll see if i cant find a suitable last year's model gem somewhere.  i'm anti-vig i guess.

so if those android tablets in your link say 3G doesnt that mean they take sim?

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 15:41, John Fields <[address removed]> wrote:
KIRF = Keeping It Real Fake (haha, clones!)

I was with you on the internal 3G.  But very few of the KIRF tablets take a SIM card (internal3G).
TMob/AT&T = SIMcard, Verizon/Sprint = no SIMcard (itsa technology difference).
So you may be stuck with getting one from a carrier, and paying their 2yr data vig.
FYI: vig =

TMob has the Springboard (7") for $99 w/2yr right now.
Their network in DFW is OK, but they are the #4 carrier so your results may vary by location. :(
Once you get a carrier deal, you go all in because billing wants it easy.
Also, iPhones were like $60 (virtually) unlimited at our plan level. And the boss liked iPhones.

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