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New Meetup: Doggy Walk un Dinner

From: Dave .
Sent on: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 10:32 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Outdoor & Snow Lovers!

What: Doggy Walk un Dinner

When: Friday, October 29,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Normandale Lake
W 84th St
Bloomington, MN 55438

Come on out for a fun walk around Normandale Lake with your pup, and other OSLers.
We've got a great interest in growing & growing this Meetup. You all are great for participating

Once again I am doing something a little bit different. So, come join me and my pooch Rusty on a brisk walk around Normandale Lake. Rusty and I are avid hikers, and the Normandale Lake area offers some beautiful scenery. We'd love some additional OSLers to join us on this fun, social outing. The walk around Normandale Lake is completely paved and approximately 2.0 miles.

I expect we can walk this route fairly quickly ? possibly even go around twice, and still have an enjoyable time for all. Afterward let?s head over to the Edina restaurant - TGI Friday?s, for a simple bite to eat, and chit chat. This restaurant is a great venue for socializing.

Let's meet at the Normandale Bandshell Lake Parking area on the Northside of the lake. It is just West of Normandale Rd on 84th St. West. Please arrive with enough time to set out at 5:30pm. I recommend an extra 10-15 minutes so your pooch can meet their friends and settle in.


** Non-Owners are Welcome -- Please sign up with the "Normandale Lake Walk Meetup."
Bring treats & you will be welcomed more than you can imagine!! **

I recommend a "Gentle Leader" for all dogs. If you have an Alpha dog, herding dog or even one that is overly-vocal, playful, or just a tad little assertive. I know of no other device (except maybe food) that can keep your pup focused on a task at hand better than a "Gentle Leader."

Please, please email me if you have questions or are simply not sure about your dog's "social skill set."

It?s a good idea to bring enough water for you and your pup. But, it is really, really important to bring water for your pup to have in the car if you are going to the restaurant afterward.


TGI Friday's
7730 Normandale Blvd
Bloomington, MN 55437

** Please let me know if know of a restaurant to try. It'd be nice to find a nice 'privately' held / family-owned establishment thats nearby. **

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