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RE: [patriots-33] Email Conversations

From: Nancy
Sent on: Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 10:03 AM
Okay....LAST EMAIL from me on this group email address:

For those of you who WANT to be included, please send me an email
directly @ [address removed] as we're going to start our own
distribution for those of us who WANT the emails.

Thanks so much!

-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf
Of Anthony
Sent: Tuesday, November 06,[masked]:21 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [patriots-33] Email Conversations

  Let's try and minimize the email conversations because everybody on
the list gets them. If you want to communicate with other members, email
them directly or use the "shout" feature on We've lost a few
members today and while they didnt say why they left, I suspect it has
to do with the large number of emails that went around today. Sorry to
be a party pooper, but I can understand not wanting an inbox full of
conversations from people you may or may not have met.


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