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Photowalk in Cederburg

From: Michael Lee L.
Sent on: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 10:29 PM

The Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk is this Saturday. Walks are being held ALL OVER THE WORLD on the same day. Since I held a photowalk earlier in the year, I'm not doing one this year. There is a walk in Milwaukee, but there is a waiting list for it.


So, I'm thinking about going to the CEDERBURG Photowalk. There is also one at Holy Hill in Hubertus, so if that is something you are interested in, get walking!


And I haven't updated it recently (maybe this walk will give me enough material to beef it up a bit), but here is a short e-book on Photowalks!


See you in Cedarburg!



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