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Lake Renaissance Faire at Lower Clear Lake May 24th & 25th 2014

From: Jax
Sent on: Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 6:39 PM

Aye -

Be there among the Crewe a few members that be interested in helpin' a fellow crewmate this weekend?

It be true this be "short notice", but our own Cockroach be in need of crewe ta set up, play games and break down this verra weekend at Lake Renaissance Faire at Lower Lake on the south end of Clear Lake. It be a 2 hour drive, give er take, from Sacramento to Lower Lake.

There be a map here:,+CA/Lower+Lake,+CA/@38.8917122,-122.6085241,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x809ac672b28397f9:0x921f6aaa74197fdb!2m2!1d-121.4943996!2d3

Yes, it's Memorial Day weekend an' ye have plans, but naught all, so won't ye give a hand ta th' man what thought of the historic "Cockroach Diversion" at Fresno nigh on 2 years ago? Sure an' ye ken!

For more detail, please contact Cockroach at [address removed]

Thank ye!

Damn Jax

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