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Formula E Now On Kickstarter

From: PlaytestNW
Sent on: Friday, January 18, 2013, 10:14 AM

Hi Everyone...

I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that a game we've playtested in our weekly sessions is now on Kickstarter and looking for backers.

FORMULA E (play tested under the names Haathi and Indian Derby) is an elephant racing game for 3 to 6 players.  Players use a hand of card to move their elephants through the course, pushing and shoving each other, dodging holy cows, avoiding tigers, and running away from the mouse. The first elephant across the finish line wins!

Please check out our Kickstarter page today!

We have a play test event scheduled for Noon tomorrow, Saturday Jan 19th and I hope to see at least 10 of you at our new digs at 9633 Firdale Ave in Edmonds.


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