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Come Surf with members of the O.C. & Endless Summer and possible others too...

From: Richard G.
Sent on: Sunday, February 24, 2008, 5:34 PM
Hello Everyone,
Your All Welcome To Join Us On     "Surfin' Sunday"
Hopefully the weather will be better next week with no rain and some decent waves too.
We'll pick a location hopefully by mid-week, depending on the "YES" R.S.V.P.'s, the conditions/wave sizes and your input too. (The O.C. Surfing Group Members)
Many many members are in members in all surfing groups already, it makes it easier to find surfing meet ups in your areas and to meet new friends and surf new locations too.
Thanks to of many members in these surfings goups in L.A./O.C. areas, we are having great Winter turn out so far at these surfing meet ups and we look forward to Spring and especially Summer's warmer water for even more surfers to come out to our surfing events.
Thanks Again, Richard
A member of this group (new), The O.C. Surfing Group & The Endless Summer Beach & Surf Club and even one of the few members of the So. Cal. Surfer Girls too.

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