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New Meetup: PUB CRAWL KARAOKE - DAY 4 - St. Patrick's Day!

From: Ellie
Sent on: Saturday, March 6, 2010, 8:30 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for South Bay Karaoke Singers And Friends!

What: PUB CRAWL KARAOKE - DAY 4 - St. Patrick's Day!

When: Wednesday, March 17,[masked]:00 PM

The Oasis
952 E El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Happy St. Patrick's Day! On this day, everyone is a little bit Irish. In honor of Irish Week, we shall commence our second karaoke marathon by doing an old-fashioned Pub Crawl to karaoke venues throughout the week. Or, at least as much of it as we can stand.

Tonight we find our respite at the Oasis Bar for an Irish celebration on this most Green of days. The Oasis is located on El Camino Real between Wolfe and Lawrence Expressway in Sunnyvale. Karaoke starts at 8:30 p.m., but we'll be meeting at 8:00 p.m. to save seats and signup early. Past experience has taught me that most places are PACKED on St. Patrick's day, and I'm quite sure this location will be no exception. So, PLEASE make sure you get there early, find a parking spot, and join us with enough time in advance to toasts to the Emerald Isle and sing in style. We'll do our best to save you a seat if we can, but there are no guarantees when a bunch of Irish folk get to drinkin' and singin'. :)

Let's see how many karaoke places we can hit in honor St. Patrick's Day. See how long your voice lasts. RSVP to as many events as you wish during the PUB CRAWL WEEK. If you attend all St. Patrick's Day pub crawl events AND do a song at each place, I'll buy you a drink on the last day at the last pub in order to celebrate.

Hope to see you there, or at one of the other events.

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