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New Stockholm Expatriate Meetup: Hump Day at Storstad

From: Joel
Sent on: Thursday, October 9, 2008, 2:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Stockholm Expat Meetup Group!

What: Hump Day at Storstad

When: October 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description:

The first time I heard the term "Hump Day" was when I lived in Seattle. A friend emailed a few of us to say, "Hey everyone, hump day at the zoo?" I didn't know at that time that "The Zoo" was a neighborhood bar in the Eastlake neighborhood. Suffice it to say, my first guess at what he was talking about was, um, way off.

So I'll save you the trouble of Googling it. Hump Day, simply enough, is slang for Wednesday, the middle day of the work week, and it carries the connotation that: "Hey, you've made it halfway through the week, why not have a mini-weekend evening to celebrate?" In other words, it's just an excuse to go out.

Now I say to you: "Hey everyone, Hump Day at Storstad?"

So, come and chat, drink, mingle, meet a new running partner who will help you wake up at 5:30 when it's pitch black out, find someone who is interested in Hungarian pre-WWII films like you and 3 other people in Sweden (well, you might just have to convince someone new for that one), or just come hang out for a while, and then disappear back into the night. Whatever your preference.


Learn more here:
(don't be put off by the "canadian" -- all are welcome!)

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