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First Meeting and Suggested Reading

From: Cate G
Sent on: Thursday, June 28, 2012, 10:26 AM


Hello fellow Co-Op Members!

I just wanted to encourage everyone to come to our first meeting on Saturday.  We’ll be getting to know each other and learning a bit about the project.  I am meeting with an architect on Friday to discuss putting a kit plan together according to the specs I outlined on the ‘Green Cottage on a Budget’ page. 

For those who are interested in building, I would also suggest taking a look at the web site.  They have a fascinating method of building and darn good prices on a fully dried-in shell.  Notice that owners have the option of building the wall panels themselves and purchasing only the roof kit.  I would like to do something similar with a standardized rectangular shaped home, only using standard heavy timber trusses and SIPS for the roof.  With a simple enough ‘kit’, we could get folks dried-in in 4-5 days!  You could also take a look at the  They have a different method of building, but it will give you an idea of how quickly the work can be done.  (See Also Co-Op page: Using a Kit to Get Dried-In Quickly)

For our volunteers, please help get the word out!  We need sponsors and discounts from local building suppliers and contractors.  If you have any connections, let them know about us!  They can sign up to sponsor or give discounts on the Co-Op website.

Please bring a couple dollars to help pay for the web site! 

Thanks everyone!  See you at the next meeting!

