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Next Meet Up this Thursday - Join now and Register FREE.

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, April 18, 2014, 1:42 PM

It seems no meet up yet for a long time on this group so here an invitation to be Motivated again and go out to all.

We want to get together to talk in many more languages! Come join us!!!

We provide a friendly relaxed environment where people who are learning foreign languages can practice with other learners and native speakers.

At every event, there will be smaller practice groups concentrating on French, Italian, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc. where you can either practice your skills, or help other members progress in theirs.

You don't need to be a "polyglot" to stop by -- if you have any interest in learning languages, we'd love to have you!

The only requirement is that you spend about as much time sharing your native language as you do practicing your target language.

Polyglots and wannabe Polyglots of London ! Come, talk, learn, and grow with us!!!

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