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Pug-O-Ween 2013 Cancelled

From: Alison Jerry Ringo Fred & P.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 9:33 AM

Dearest Pug Pals,

It is with great disappointment that we announce Pug-O-Ween 2013 is cancelled due to a family illness that will require immediate attention.  We ask that you please bear with us while we get things sorted and thank you in advance for your understanding.

All of our wonderful Pugs can still celebrate in style at Southern Nevada Pug Rescue's Pug-O-Rama which will be held on November 2, 2013.  For more information regarding Pug-O-Rama and the wonderful work the Southern Nevada Pug Rescue does, please visit

Sending our very best to all of the Pugs and their peeps,

Alison, Doug, Little Jerry, Ringo, Frederick, Pablo, and Izzi

Vegas Pug Club


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