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New Meetup: Nashville Songwriters Night at the Hall of Fame & FREE demo give-away

From: JO
Sent on: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 10:21 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Nashville Songwriters Meetup Group!

What: Nashville Songwriters Night at the Hall of Fame & FREE demo give-away

When: April 11,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: We will have 4 rounds of 3 writers, beginning at 7 pm. Steve Jones has offered to let us start at 6 pm, if there are more than 12 folks who want to play. There is always the open mic at 10 pm......

The March show was AWESOME - You all are getting SO good at performance! I was entertained, and judging by the comments I received from audience members, so were they.

We will be giving away another certificate for a FREE demo with David Walker Music in LaVergne, TN ( It includes vocals, guitar, drums, bass and keys. Congratulations to Kyle & Bart, who won the last 2 certificates!

Learn more here: