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Welcome to the new New York Health Professional Meet up

From: Dr. Jayme Albin, P.
Sent on: Friday, May 15, 2009, 10:19 AM
Hi all I just wanted to introduce myself to you all. I am Dr. Jayme Albin and I have just taken over this meet up group from the former organizing Susan Lee.
For more about me check out my blog

My goal is to take this group to the next level with regular meet ups that provide an opportunity for like minded professionals to show case their work, gain professional knowledge and gain referral opportunities.

I want this group to about YOU the professionals and how we can ASSIST each other in making our industry grow, stay strong and maintain its integrity.

I am looking to invite industry leaders, as well as consultants of ancillary services (eg. marketing and insurance providers) to give talks about the services they offer and how it can benefit us. If you are interesting in speaking or have some ideas feel free to email me

[address removed]

Looking forward to meeting you all on the 18th of June. I will select a venue for the event shortly but probably midtown NYC restaurant/bar.
The New York Health Professionals Meetup

Dr Jayme

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