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New Meetup: Heartbeat of Reiki Drumming Level II

From: Suzanne
Sent on: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 6:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Reiki & Vibrational Energy Group!

What: Heartbeat of Reiki Drumming Level II

When: September 27,[masked]:00 PM

Common Ground Tustin
14051 Newport Blvd H
Tustin, CA 92780

The Heartbeat of Reiki Level II uses the power of the ocean drum and the Reiki Energy.
(Must be Reiki II or above and have taken Heartbeat of Reiki Level I)

**Participants of this class will receive their own Ocean drum.

During this Certification you will learn:
? How to incorporate the Ocean drum into your Reiki Sessions.
? Journey using the power of the beat of the drum.
? Receive an attunement using the ocean drum.
? Learn how to conduct a Journeying session for others.

The Heartbeat of Reiki Drumming Level II Course is from 12-5pm.

Academy of Reiki

Learn more here: