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First Rehearsal for Spring is Tuesday

From: Sandy C.
Sent on: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 12:43 PM

Hi Everyone.  We're starting the Spring 2014 season this Tuesday with rehearsal at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.  If you are a new member, please arrive at 6:30 for voice placement.  Don't worry - no formal audition.  Our director, Claudia will have you sing a familiar song to determine your vocal range.  Directions from 94 East are:  Euclid North exit (left at the fork)  Turn right onto Euclid and get in the left lane. Turn left on Lyon St. which is the first street you can make a left.  Go one block to the end and turn left.  You will be looking at the church parking lot straight ahead.  Park there, walk up the steps and go to your left.  That is where we will be.  Can't wait to see all of you!  If you need any more information just let me know.
