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San Diego Choral Society

From: Sandy C.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 3:00 PM

Hi everyone.  You may have noticed that this Meetup page now has the name San Diego Choral Society, rather than Choral Club of San Diego.  As happens sometimes, some members of CCSD who were on the board had a different vision of what the group should be.  The rest of us, who are in the majority, have formed San Diego Choral Society, which is modeled on the original San Diego Choral Club, founded in 1939.  If  you are a new member, we think you will really enjoy the group and appreciate our music variety and our friendly, social atmosphere.  Our director, Claudia Allen, is the very talented lady who has guided the group for many years.  As you can see, we will be rehearsing as usual at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.  We are not a church group - the church is kind enough to allow us to use their facility for rehearsals and concerts.  We hope that all of you will come to rehearsals when they begin on September 2nd.  Check us out - we're sure you will want to join us!

Yours musically,



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