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May 2009 Meetup - Tuesday 05 May 18:00 - Mövenpick Caveau

From: Jonathan C.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 9:13 AM
How are you dealing with the recession? Have you had to downsize your business or put off expansion plans? Or has this actually been a boon for you, allowing you to venture into new and unexpected areas? Is now the time to take more risk, or just hunker down and survive until the dust settles? Is there any money out there for startups? What are other entrepreneurs doing?

These are the topics we will discuss at the May 2009 Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup. I'm sure we are all feeling the pinch of this economy, so let's get together, get creative, and share some ideas for making it through this challenging time. It will be a freeform event without any formal structure, but please be prepared to talk about your business and how you are getting by these days.

The venue I've chosen is M?venpick Caveau Weinbar, which is a great little place with a convenient location near Paradeplatz (not to be confused with the M?venpick restaurant right in the middle of Paradeplatz). For a map and directions, please go to this site and click on "Standort/Anfahrtsweg Planen":

We will have private use of the back room and terrace. For this there is no cost. However, they require a certain amount of food and drinks to be consumed, so I am pre-ordering a few bottles of wine and some finger food. To cover the cost of this, I am asking everyone to pay CHF 15 at the event. Sorry, I know this is a bit of a turn off, but look at it this way: if you go out for a bite to eat and a drink or two, you will easily pay this amount. And here you will have the opportunity to meet some of Zurich's best entrepreneurs!

The event will begin at 18:00 and go for around two hours. Please try to be prompt so we can get a good discussion going early on.

For more details, follow this link:
May 2009 Meetup - Tuesday 05 May 18?

I look forward to seeing you at the meetup!

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