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Web Development Scholarships - Deadline on Dec. 6th

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 27, 2013, 10:16 AM

Hi 106'ers,

Looking to broaden your horizons in 2014? The good people at General Assembly, Launchpad, Cross Campus, Los Angeles Venture Association (LAVA) have teamed up to provide five $2,000 scholarships to GA's upcoming Web Development Immersive Program which starts on December 16th, 2013!

General Assembly’s Web Development Immersive program is a twelve-week in person course, perfect for individuals looking to pick up all the necessary skills to become a full stack developer.  By the end of the course, you will develop a fluency in front and back end web development to build your own applications, meet and interview with companies looking to hire junior level developers, and you will gain access to General Assembly classes and workshops.

To enter, fill out this application by December 6th. GA will call you to follow up on your submission, and the scholarship winners will be announced on December 13th.

For those unfamiliar with General Assembly, they are an educational community that transforms thinkers into creators through educational offerings in business, technology, and design. They have a worldwide presence, including a campus in Santa Monica.

Want to learn more about the course, meet instructors and alum? Stop by GA on 12/4. You may register for the info session HERE.

Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

The 106 Miles Crew


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