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Vote for 2nd Verse

From: Kinton A.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 3:44 PM!nominations/galleryPage

Nominations for 2014 National Poetry Awards are currently open until May 15th. 2nd Verse has been the winners of the Best Open Mic category two previous times and it's only right that we bring it home again. If you have EVER visited 2nd Verse then you already know why we're the best and we'd simply like for you to take a few moments of each day to follow the link above and cast your vote 2nd Verse.

With just 10 days left for the preliminary voting, let's finish STRONG to ensure 2nd Verse makes the final ballot. I set a daily reminder in my phone to vote for 2nd Verse EVERYDAY for Best Open Mic thru May 15th.

Who's with me? Can we get at least 100 votes a day for the next 10 days?

Thank you for your continued support.


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