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New Meetup: Vintage Model Train Set Shoot

From: Ken S.
Sent on: Saturday, November 27, 2010, 12:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Art in Photography!

What: Vintage Model Train Set Shoot

When: Tuesday, November 30,[masked]:30 -7:30 PM

Price: $5.50 per person

Where: Vermont Photo Space Gallery
12 Main St.
Essex Junction, VT 05452

As part of the Essex Train Hop on 12/1 6-8PM, 1930 vintage train set will be on display and operated by John Gaworecki at the Vermont Photo Space Gallery. See:

I've arranged for John to come in the night before to operate the trains and give our group a chance to try some model train photography. The set is about 20' x 6' according to John, with tunnels, bridges etc. He says it is "Impressive". I tried to find some pics on line of John's set but didn't. Here is a video thou a a similar vintage set:

We'll run it for two hours but naturally it would be good to stagger the group so as to not get in each other's way. Put your anticipated arrival time in your RSVP. Bring your flash or other lighting. If necessary I will ring lead the circus and run a timer each will get their fair share of solo time with John and the set. If you have any large landscape posters - they might come in handy for a background.

Maybe you know a model that would like to come along and pose with the trains. I'd think some aspiring child models would enjoy this.

If you need model and/or property release's - bring your forms with you. This might be a good commercial opportunity.

The set will be on the floor - so be prepared to lay down - bring a cushion if you need to.


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